
party in my tummy...

My mom is the best cook ever !
Black sesame cake, so yummy !
"Ohana means family - no one gets left behind, and no one is ever forgotten. " remember the quote?

Cousins and friends

My mom

 My mother, she is not an ordinary woman. Housewife by day, workaholic at night. When I say “workaholic” I am not indicating that she work because she enjoy it. I saw how tough her job is. I felt her rough palms against mine. I know how broken and exhausted she is, I am too. It hurts me to see her having a life like this. 1 day off every 2 weeks, work until midnight, stand beside the hot stove for 7 hours straight. She is going through all the pain just for me. Sometimes, I feel like a burden. If I were given a chance, I would want her to be self-centered. I want her to live her life free. I want her to share not only happiness but also her sorrow and hardships with me.
                        Like I always say, my main goal in life is to provide my mother a better life. I worked hard for it and I am still working on it. The first and the most important step is to do well in university. One thing I regretted is not having a good foundation in English language. Ever since I was young, I never enjoyed reading or writing. I would rather head to the field or start a wrestling fight with my brothers. Silly girl ! But its okay, I am not giving up. I am going to work hard for my grades. Even the world says “give up”, there will be hopes inside me to whisper “try it once more”, don't give up, for the woman who gave you life. I love you, mami ! :)

1 comment:

  1. Your mom is indeed wonderful, and you really are like her :)
